Friday, September 08, 2006

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse...Indeed Powerful

I knew 7th Sept was the Full Moon Eclipse and with 2 eclipses happening in a same month... I know something is brewing. I guess I was already down in the dumps already. Maybe you can just dig another inch of crap inside the dump then you will find me. There is no way to go but up. And indeed I was thrown the most fabulous discovery so unexpectedly. Short of being called a miracle, but to me it was. It's unbelievable.... out of the blue....things that come to you when you least expected it, when you are not even looking in that direction but somehow it'll bring itself to your attention.... that's what I call fate.

Everything happen for a reason. You might not see the reason and can't see any reason but there it is. It will appear when the time has come.
The power of the cosmic is breathtaking....
Long time I haven't feel such adrenaline rush....the kind of rush that can make me run a 10km, go without food and sleep.... well, I'm enjoying it now..while it last or while it gets better.

I really hope it's not a mirage ...*fingers and toes crossed*


blury said...

.. u mean fate of seeing another oppotunity? hmm...

Finque said...

Nope...its fate that I discover a new method of seeing things which will bring me new opportunities...