Friday, July 25, 2008

How long have it been since I update

Here I am blogging on a Friday night as that is what I told flabby I would do since I hardly am free nowadays. Today is an exceptional night as Flabby is out with colleagues. This weekend with Flabby will be a short one I guess as I will be out with my ex colleague tml afternoon and only meeting Flabby in the late afternoon...

So much have happened since I blogged ...more in terms of work arena. Was so busy from late May till mid July due to company's migration of system. So bad that I think I was burnt out and suffered from work stress. Lucky saw a doc and seems better now..

Beside that, me and flabby also visited the zoo 2 weeks back and are going to the night safari this Sat ( pray it doesnt rain again). I guess our weekends are usually quite busy although I remember a time when we were quite bored during the weekend..hmm... Nowadays we don't even have time to watch the piling movies that we downloaded...Really not sure where did the time disappear to...

Then very soon, it will be time to go VACATION...can't wait. But nowadays we seem to be too preoccupied to imagine how the trip will be. ...I also quite stress whenever I think of the trip cause so much things I need to familarise again before we go as much of the planning were done quite long ago..Haizzz

Trading have been not bad lately. Pretty excited about the recent US trading ( after a long dry spell) an idea and been testing , so far quite promising as it mimic the similar strategies I used successfully in the Singapore and Hong Kong market. Hope there will be good news the next time I blog. Heeee...