Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Another day on leave

Ahh....another day at home..relaxing..sipping Japanese milk coffee dango bought me. Nice nice...milky though. Anyway, send dango to work as usual albeit too early cause thought I need to return car early.. hmph.

Ran in the morning as usual and proceed to do my things.. gd news is that my US paper account is ready and I spent some time keying in my overnight test trades. Tml I shall see how good is the system..

Kinda bored now...hmm...maybe I should watch a dvd or maybe I should nap awhile...

Actually what I think I want to say is that I appreciate that you have been patient with me when I'm have weird mood swings. Don't take it too seriously as I will be fine after awhile when I sort out whats troubling me..

I know you always like me to stay with you but I only realised how much when I saw this smile ( ^ ______________________^) everytime you wake and see me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now then u know it!!! hmm....... - blury