Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bad mood, better recall

Lately there have been 2 articles on yahoo which mentioned that researchers find that bad mood make people remembers better. This totally solve a mystery for me : why flabby's memory is bad and why she is always so happy and confident. Me on the other hand , is known as Ms Grumpy and Ms Grouchy with a photographic memory. We can be totally different but yet this complements us. Flabby needs me to refresh her memory and to remember important things ( p.s she uses POST IT in her her wallet!! ) and I need Flabby to entertain me with her joyous antics. I always find it so amazing that someone could be so happy go lucky 90% of the time....especially when she does her cartoon style kind of dance with her arms. Nothing seem to be able to get her down...for long . Most probably already forgotten what bothered her.

As for me, I think its not the bad mood that causes me to have good memories and be careful when doing things. It is actually the opposite -I need to be constantly be careful and remember things ( in the course of my work and trading and for flabby) so much that it actually caused me my bad moods.

Interesting isnt it ? So would it be better if I be more lax in order to improve my moods??


Anonymous said...

why not?! maybe that can help improve my memory for a change? - blury

Finque said...

So you mean improving my moods by being lax might actually improve your memory?? how? is it when my mood is gd, it will cause u bad mood and hence improve your memory??

Anonymous said...

nope... when ur memory is good, why would i have bad mood rite... in fact my mood should be better! - blury

Finque said...

totally lost your point. Do you remember what's your " Why not? and "that" " in your 1st comment is refering to?