Got some photos to post for this week as usual.
My sandal seem like giving way any moment so lucky I remember I saw this pair of shoe near the Russian Market. The Russian market is actually just a floor of few shops in a 3 storey high Lucky Plaza. They sell mostly sports wear that are mainly fakes i think as well a shop selling thick winter wear. I bought this pair not at the Russian market, but just 2nd floor the plaza. There seem more things..and wow, I saw a very nice Bugalri watch that I think I can get it at about $40SGD..really cool but I don't know whether I should buy anot hmm.....something wrong with my Bygalri spelling I know. Wait for Dango to correct me ...
Saw this pack of sugar cane at the supermarket one night after work and bought it cause its a long long time since i chew on sugar cane! I think it was the last time I went to China with my mum in 1993... Anyway, I finished the whole pack at one go and felt like sugar overdose like that..not a good feeling though. 20 cents of cheap thrill.
This is the packet of something that looked like small tomatoes but they are not. Kinda nice..never ate b4 and it came with a small pack of their usual dip w fruits- salt+ chilli+sugar .
I also had a swell time opening up a coconut with my trusty Daiso knife in my hotel toliet sink! It was good though but after finishing the whole coconut I was pretty dizzy..... It cost 60cents only.
Hmm..but overall this week is not good. Don't know why..just feel very bad, like depressing like that. I'm no longer feeling cheery about things even though I try. I just feel very sian and sickening. At office is like the locals can't seem to be able to carry a decent mutually understandable conversation. So much so that I don't try to talk often. No doubt they feel I'm anti-social but I find that I don't care. Not that they are not important but I find that I too tired to care. I was supposed to go Hanoi for 5 days training but cause I'm coming back to SG next fri , I can't go and the boss seem not too happy about it. Just too bad. But I also don't know whether I should go. It have nothing to do with my present job BUT if I intend to join the other company in 2 months, then the training will be good for me.But now I don't even know where will I be then.
Was thinking in bed after being rudely woken up by the music in the hotel this morning whether it was a right decision to come vietnam anot. If given a chance, I think I would think or at least plan things abit differently. 1st of all , the bonus I gave up is only worth it if I hang in vietnam till year end, if not, I would have been better off to hang in there in my old company for 1 more mth plus then quit and shake leg. I should have asked for a signup bonus and at least things didn't work out, I can go back without regret. But I thought the exposure would be good, as I'm stagnating in sg. And the money is matching providing I get the bonus at the end of the year. But if I don't find a way to see things differently, weekdays are going to kill me. On the other hand, I try to imagine will I be happier in SG if I go back without a job...hmm..
Even though I'm 1 week closer to meeting Dango after 1 month of separation, I don't feel as cheerio as last week. Maybe I'm pmsing. I also think coming down with something. But of cos I'm happy to see her, I think I'm just blogged down by current state of things.
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