Monday, November 24, 2008


Last sat, i bought flabby a Wii and flabby also bought me a Wii!! Yup...we both bought the same things for each other birthdays! ..........caused we shared it ! haha

Immediately after we installed it, flabby appropriately named it as " Weeeeeee...." as in we. ( but im sure she didn't think of it that way) Nintendo is also very smart to called each character as in Me. Flabby created a nice Mii for me and for herself....a very lookalike Mii in a very weird way...but it is so funny!! Everytime i think of her Mii, i cant help laughing.

The Wii is more than funny then fun...we really laughed so much yesterday creating those Mii....

Cant wait to get more games...