Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Something I should remember and live by...
It's far greater to dare to do mighty things, even though checkered by failures, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in a gray twilight that knows neither defeat nor victory....
Monday, November 24, 2008
Last sat, i bought flabby a Wii and flabby also bought me a Wii!! Yup...we both bought the same things for each other birthdays! ..........caused we shared it ! haha
Immediately after we installed it, flabby appropriately named it as " Weeeeeee...." as in we. ( but im sure she didn't think of it that way) Nintendo is also very smart to called each character as Mii...as in Me. Flabby created a nice Mii for me and for herself....a very lookalike Mii in a very weird way...but it is so funny!! Everytime i think of her Mii, i cant help laughing.
The Wii is more than funny then fun...we really laughed so much yesterday creating those Mii....
Cant wait to get more games...
Immediately after we installed it, flabby appropriately named it as " Weeeeeee...." as in we. ( but im sure she didn't think of it that way) Nintendo is also very smart to called each character as Mii...as in Me. Flabby created a nice Mii for me and for herself....a very lookalike Mii in a very weird way...but it is so funny!! Everytime i think of her Mii, i cant help laughing.
The Wii is more than funny then fun...we really laughed so much yesterday creating those Mii....
Cant wait to get more games...
Monday, October 13, 2008
after vacation....
Actually I have many times got things to post but always too occupied with something else to really blog. Haiz...
Even now , all I want to say is that everyday seem to be a struggle struggle....maybe i demand to much. Work seems fine..but haiz....
I got cute pics from our US trips to post..so many things like in my mind to write but just either too lazy or too pre occupied to focus on leisure thing....if only I can get my mind to be at peace. Unless that happens, guess everything will still be on the backburner.
But i just want to post these few silly pics before flabby beats me to it..haha...

Looks like her head being beaten by a creature...
....As usual, someone trying to act cute.....
Even now , all I want to say is that everyday seem to be a struggle struggle....maybe i demand to much. Work seems fine..but haiz....
I got cute pics from our US trips to post..so many things like in my mind to write but just either too lazy or too pre occupied to focus on leisure thing....if only I can get my mind to be at peace. Unless that happens, guess everything will still be on the backburner.
But i just want to post these few silly pics before flabby beats me to it..haha...

Looks like her head being beaten by a creature...
....As usual, someone trying to act cute.....
....Looks more like a viking helmet...
As we work each day, seem to miss US more even though we were complaining throughout the trip. But at least we were carefree..
The flights were scary as they were so exhausting...and sickening. But lucky no cancellation or delay flights though.
Will hope to post more soon...
Friday, July 25, 2008
How long have it been since I update
Here I am blogging on a Friday night as that is what I told flabby I would do since I hardly am free nowadays. Today is an exceptional night as Flabby is out with colleagues. This weekend with Flabby will be a short one I guess as I will be out with my ex colleague tml afternoon and only meeting Flabby in the late afternoon...
So much have happened since I blogged ...more in terms of work arena. Was so busy from late May till mid July due to company's migration of system. So bad that I think I was burnt out and suffered from work stress. Lucky saw a doc and seems better now..
Beside that, me and flabby also visited the zoo 2 weeks back and are going to the night safari this Sat ( pray it doesnt rain again). I guess our weekends are usually quite busy although I remember a time when we were quite bored during the weekend..hmm... Nowadays we don't even have time to watch the piling movies that we downloaded...Really not sure where did the time disappear to...
Then very soon, it will be time to go VACATION...can't wait. But nowadays we seem to be too preoccupied to imagine how the trip will be. ...I also quite stress whenever I think of the trip cause so much things I need to familarise again before we go as much of the planning were done quite long ago..Haizzz
Trading have been not bad lately. Pretty excited about the recent US trading ( after a long dry spell)...got an idea and been testing , so far quite promising as it mimic the similar strategies I used successfully in the Singapore and Hong Kong market. Hope there will be good news the next time I blog. Heeee...
So much have happened since I blogged ...more in terms of work arena. Was so busy from late May till mid July due to company's migration of system. So bad that I think I was burnt out and suffered from work stress. Lucky saw a doc and seems better now..
Beside that, me and flabby also visited the zoo 2 weeks back and are going to the night safari this Sat ( pray it doesnt rain again). I guess our weekends are usually quite busy although I remember a time when we were quite bored during the weekend..hmm... Nowadays we don't even have time to watch the piling movies that we downloaded...Really not sure where did the time disappear to...
Then very soon, it will be time to go VACATION...can't wait. But nowadays we seem to be too preoccupied to imagine how the trip will be. ...I also quite stress whenever I think of the trip cause so much things I need to familarise again before we go as much of the planning were done quite long ago..Haizzz
Trading have been not bad lately. Pretty excited about the recent US trading ( after a long dry spell)...got an idea and been testing , so far quite promising as it mimic the similar strategies I used successfully in the Singapore and Hong Kong market. Hope there will be good news the next time I blog. Heeee...
Saturday, May 03, 2008
1st weekend without flabby flabby...
Actually its not the 1st weekend without flabby...but in singapore context , it is the 1st time. Flabby had went to climb mountain in Kinabalu to shed some flabs...but think she load up on the flabs beforehand liao.. It's been a long long time since I wake up in my own bed on a Saturday and spending a quiet Friday night at home..
Feel weird going to Flabby house as usual after work on Friday but not expecting to see her but just to check on Fartie. Fartie was more dull looking compared to Thursday. Maybe she is bored locked up and maybe she missed Flabby too. But she still hestitate to enter flabby room as usual...haha...all the furry things all stuck at the doorway....
Feel weird going to Flabby house as usual after work on Friday but not expecting to see her but just to check on Fartie. Fartie was more dull looking compared to Thursday. Maybe she is bored locked up and maybe she missed Flabby too. But she still hestitate to enter flabby room as usual...haha...all the furry things all stuck at the doorway....

Went to meet some friends for lunch..very nice but talked till thoart very dry....Also feel weird driving in the car without flabby lately ..hmm...think just not used to it bah...
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Stop to wonder....
Life is ever so busy, always flowing..so much that people hardly stop to think back how far they have travelled. I happen to think about this especially regarding my career wise.
5 Years back I was struggling to learn how to trade..working partime basis to realise my naive dream of trading forex for a living...earning a pitiful amount of around $1k a month. The struggling never seem to end. I was dreaming of a job called a trader- those people working behind those platforms that I was trying to learn to trade on.... how nice I imagine it must be to be working with trades everyday.
5 Year down the road. I am working behind those platforms where I used to struggle to trade on. I am in fact in charge of the trading desk now with 3 people under me...with me making many trading decisions regarding client's trades fate earning many times over.
If I didn't stop to think, I may not have realised I have realised at least 1 dream. It wasn't easy. I was thinking what I did to achieve this.... I cant put a single reason to it. It wasnt one thing I did, and it certainly not because of the way I dress or look. It was just a continous learning of the industry, process of extending/ sharpening my skills and knowledge , exposure to all kind of readings and platform experience from all corners. But I also attribute to luck..because I have been down on my luck before so I know the difference.
It is good to reflect and at least give some gratitude. Humans always find fault with what they have..I have my share of grudges now about life but if the current package was given to me 5 years back, it would have been a miracle. Our perpective is always clouded with complaints , hence it is wise to stop and be grateful for many things.
5 Years back I was struggling to learn how to trade..working partime basis to realise my naive dream of trading forex for a living...earning a pitiful amount of around $1k a month. The struggling never seem to end. I was dreaming of a job called a trader- those people working behind those platforms that I was trying to learn to trade on.... how nice I imagine it must be to be working with trades everyday.
5 Year down the road. I am working behind those platforms where I used to struggle to trade on. I am in fact in charge of the trading desk now with 3 people under me...with me making many trading decisions regarding client's trades fate earning many times over.
If I didn't stop to think, I may not have realised I have realised at least 1 dream. It wasn't easy. I was thinking what I did to achieve this.... I cant put a single reason to it. It wasnt one thing I did, and it certainly not because of the way I dress or look. It was just a continous learning of the industry, process of extending/ sharpening my skills and knowledge , exposure to all kind of readings and platform experience from all corners. But I also attribute to luck..because I have been down on my luck before so I know the difference.
It is good to reflect and at least give some gratitude. Humans always find fault with what they have..I have my share of grudges now about life but if the current package was given to me 5 years back, it would have been a miracle. Our perpective is always clouded with complaints , hence it is wise to stop and be grateful for many things.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Like blury said...its was finally conquered. However, it was abit of a disappointment cause the scene is just ....a lot a lot of jungle trees thats all. And the hike there was.....1 word...unexpectedly LONG. I would recommend anyone who want to go up there to be prepared as I see alot of people who seem to dress too "nice" to go up there. For us, the weather have been kind as it rained overnight. Kinda muddy but at least not that hot. So I can't imagine if someone chose a typical hot there to climb the tree top..it will be very trying.
The walk back after the treetop of about 5.5 km was kind of numbing as it is just walk n walk without any scenary ( as it is jus walking in the jungle) and too tired to think also. At night I have to put some Salonpas to prevent any muscle cramp the next day.
Also confirm dango's Thunder thigh indeed powerful as it can really walk n walk. Think she shouldn't have much problem for the hike up kinabalu...GAMBATE THUNDER THIGH!!
The walk back after the treetop of about 5.5 km was kind of numbing as it is just walk n walk without any scenary ( as it is jus walking in the jungle) and too tired to think also. At night I have to put some Salonpas to prevent any muscle cramp the next day.
Also confirm dango's Thunder thigh indeed powerful as it can really walk n walk. Think she shouldn't have much problem for the hike up kinabalu...GAMBATE THUNDER THIGH!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Been 1 month...
It has been only a month since I moved back to SG for good but life in Vietnam is already like a vague memory to me - something when I think back made me try to remember how I dreaded life then but now.. I am like not doing any better. Guess its the boredom. But soon it will be CNY and time will pass fast....Feb, Mar, April, May..then it would be SEPT - Going US! Now I only dread starting work even though I'm bored because I hate to see a person at work and I think my life would be made terrible by him.
Hmm...I still remember the dreary time when I was working in SG : morning rush to squeeze for bus..and evening same thing. I was thinking then life in Viet with taxi would be so great. Actually it was good in vietnam with the daily shuttle bus in a way. But not good in another way. So much pros and cons in life. So tiring. One moment it is wonderful , another moment it is dreadful.
Humans beings are like this : You see me good, I see you good but the fact is everybody is no good. Everybody have their own headaches, own perspective of " lack of " something. But is it possible to have the "perfect" happiness? The moment in time where everything falls into place and life is perfect? It have to exist since isn't that what we are all looking for? Or are we? I think subconsiously we think we all want the same thing : good jobs, more money, buy a house, buy a car, good health, travel to far places ( and not regional only) , eat good restuarant etc . But on the consious level, most of us are just slugging away not knowing what tommorow brings. Just like a friend said to me," Nobody likes to work but we all have to work." Another advise me, " Don't think so much , don't be stressed up over work security." *headache*
Hmm...I still remember the dreary time when I was working in SG : morning rush to squeeze for bus..and evening same thing. I was thinking then life in Viet with taxi would be so great. Actually it was good in vietnam with the daily shuttle bus in a way. But not good in another way. So much pros and cons in life. So tiring. One moment it is wonderful , another moment it is dreadful.
Humans beings are like this : You see me good, I see you good but the fact is everybody is no good. Everybody have their own headaches, own perspective of " lack of " something. But is it possible to have the "perfect" happiness? The moment in time where everything falls into place and life is perfect? It have to exist since isn't that what we are all looking for? Or are we? I think subconsiously we think we all want the same thing : good jobs, more money, buy a house, buy a car, good health, travel to far places ( and not regional only) , eat good restuarant etc . But on the consious level, most of us are just slugging away not knowing what tommorow brings. Just like a friend said to me," Nobody likes to work but we all have to work." Another advise me, " Don't think so much , don't be stressed up over work security." *headache*
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
A Slow dayyyy....
Kinda bored today hence thought that I might as well contribute to my own blog.
Hmm..been doing much thinking lately so I will write about that...
Was thinking about what happened throughout this last 1 year... many things happened but yet, it is like nothing afterall.
I had a stable "girlfriend" before I left for Vietnam. But soon, I find that there are other more exciting "plays" out there. Those that need less patience and time and effort and yet seemingly will be "nice" to me . I started a quest to look for such a "gem" and forget about my stable girlfriend.
And when I think I found "the one", I will start to rave about how "she" is suitable for me. But usually after 1 month or less, I will start to get skepitical after some faults that I didn't expect to see. Then maybe I will try to look for someone similar but do not have those faults. Then the history repeat itself again. The latest is being one that can keep me happy 90% of time but during those other 10% of the time, I will really be turned off. Makes me wonder whether will I be better off over a longer period of time or worse off.
That was what set me thinking the last week and I looked at all my the past history.
And it seem that my stable "girlfriend" was the right one all these time. Although have to be patience with her and can only have fun when she allows it, there is no terrible faults to begin with. I did however, "modify her" abit to suit my excitment crave but will have to put up with any side effects there might be. But I still think it is better over the long term. *sigh* This is what I meant that so much yet nothing really changed after 1 year -- back to the same old same old but its nice also as too much excitement makes me hard to sleep too.
Btw, the "girlfriends" I referred to above are all my trading system models.
And yar...I am that BORED to write in this analogy. And I hope Flabby didn't faint.
Hmm..been doing much thinking lately so I will write about that...
Was thinking about what happened throughout this last 1 year... many things happened but yet, it is like nothing afterall.
I had a stable "girlfriend" before I left for Vietnam. But soon, I find that there are other more exciting "plays" out there. Those that need less patience and time and effort and yet seemingly will be "nice" to me . I started a quest to look for such a "gem" and forget about my stable girlfriend.
And when I think I found "the one", I will start to rave about how "she" is suitable for me. But usually after 1 month or less, I will start to get skepitical after some faults that I didn't expect to see. Then maybe I will try to look for someone similar but do not have those faults. Then the history repeat itself again. The latest is being one that can keep me happy 90% of time but during those other 10% of the time, I will really be turned off. Makes me wonder whether will I be better off over a longer period of time or worse off.
That was what set me thinking the last week and I looked at all my the past history.
And it seem that my stable "girlfriend" was the right one all these time. Although have to be patience with her and can only have fun when she allows it, there is no terrible faults to begin with. I did however, "modify her" abit to suit my excitment crave but will have to put up with any side effects there might be. But I still think it is better over the long term. *sigh* This is what I meant that so much yet nothing really changed after 1 year -- back to the same old same old but its nice also as too much excitement makes me hard to sleep too.
Btw, the "girlfriends" I referred to above are all my trading system models.
And yar...I am that BORED to write in this analogy. And I hope Flabby didn't faint.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Once upon a day......
Just last Sunday, I went hiking at MacRitichie Reservior to see the Treetop which everyone say is wonderful. But too bad halfway it rained so we turned back without reaching the peak.
Who did I went with? See for yourself....

IT'S.... IT'S...........

Who did I went with? See for yourself....
IT'S.... IT'S...........
Yup...so flabby till can't button up properly!
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