Monday, December 25, 2006
In office on Christmas day
Slept late last night at Dango place and woke 6am to go home and ran and came to work. Quite a long weekend at Dango's place...and next weekend will even be longer: Friday till Tues! Dango was so excited about this that she almost can't sleep. keke.
This Christmas is considered quiet to hefty celebrations, just cozy enjoyment ...good in a way bah. Partying times are over for me I guess...
Love the gift Dango got for me for Christmas thought it caught me by surprise.... -M***-
Think my brain already is thinking in pausal mode.. Think later I will be quite stoned...hmm...
Friday, December 22, 2006
They say money don't bring you happiness...but I think that's not true...Money can get things that bring you happiness...just that it might not last. And they also missed out the fact that money can indirectly bring you unhappiness...How? The very happiness that money brought you will bring about your unhappiness as well...A paradox indeed.
Let's say you started off poor.. on a scale of 1 to 10 of the possessions you own, you rank 2. You don't have to lose alot to get back to the rank of 1. And assume losing that 1 point will already be enough to make one unhappy. Then as you start to work and improve your life, your rank upgrade to 5 cause you are gathering more possessions to make you happy...each point upgrade you make, made you happier cause you achieved something but that happiness don't last so you look to make more points. NOW think.. from rank 5, you fell to rank 3 , its a difference of 2 pts. That 2 pts lost certainly caused much more misery than if you were to drop from rank 2 to rank 1 ( minus 1 pt). But will that person still think at least I'm rank 3, which is better than rank 2 , 3 years ago? NO...he will think he is 2 pts backward from rank 5. It's like an person appetite is stretched as he eats more and more and needs more and more to feel satisfied. And with his appetite bigger, a little lack of food will means more anxiety to him.
Hence, as one aim to get more & more out of terms of wealth and possessions, one is being made more vulnerable to unhappiness. Maybe that's why there are more unhappy people around as the society get more afluence. They have learned to tie happiness with possessions and the only way they can be made more happy is to have more possessions. But according with the law of dimishing return, they need more and more possessions to give them a similar degree of happiness compared to the past.
Conclusion? The rituals of possessions gathering is futile, as the ultimate end is more unhappiness. So how to maintain happiness? To me, I feel maybe is to live simply.. in this way, one do not need alot to feel happy. A simple movie and dinner outing will bring much happiness if done occassionally. Imagine if you do this every weekend, it will be such a joykill.
As such, human being themselves need to control their urge to repeat rituals that make them happy too often.... in order to prolong that happiness that ritual brings. Another paradox.
Just imagine having sex everyday... who can take it.. haha.. I guess it boils down to moderation to everything in life , doesn't it?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Think Back.......
Was on the bus today when I suddenly think back to when we just get to know each other...
With lately so much r/s things happening around makes me think how we got together...
And certain things reminded why I was attacted to you.. I always said you are I rememeber the difference and why I like you.
I like you cause you are simple, pure , honest.
I like the fact that you are not the partying sort.
I like that you don't change your mind easily and you don't cave in to pressure
I hate deceptions, I hate inconsistancy, I hate illogical talk.
I hate people that change their views or opinions but yet can't explain the reason.
All these you are not.
And not forgetting your cuteness helped also. =P
As much as you make me want to pull out my hair at times, I still adore you very much.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Peep Peep...
Background : Watching last night chinese show ..wat " flying daggers etc etc" where the male actor ( taka something) is peeping at Zhang ziyi while she took a bath.
Dango : (refering to show) Will you peep at me while I take a bath?
Me : Yes... (expecting a whack)
Dango : (smile sheepishly, better known as "Arm Qhio")
Me : You happy that I want to peep at you ah?!?
Dango : Heeeeeeee (nod nod)
Me : (- __ - """) !! *PENGZ*
Haha...So adorable!
Finally a good rest..
ANYWAY...thats not the reason I blogging now. The reason is that during my morning run today, I suddenly missed you alot ; I suddenly felt very sorry if I had behaved mean to you over the weekend due to all sort of reasons. It felt like although we have our differences , quiet fuming , misunderstandings etc , I still very much love to be with you.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Terribly SLEEPY ...........
Anyway TGIF... tml no need to return car so can sleep late late tml.... yay....
Wanted to write about some events that happened on my trip to vietnam. They made me laugh when I think back...haha...
It was the first night of the trip at the "loc cok" hotel with no toliet door....we promised we won't peek at each other and I sticked to my promise.. not that I not interested but because I don't want to be peeped at also...keke... but too bad Dango can't stand the hotel towels and preferred her own... =P
During the night while sleeping, I was already annoyed by the noisy aircon and worse when I felt that I got no space to sleep like that because Dango was sleeping in a weird position - with her butt protruding out and taking up much space! Hmph! After much reluctance to wake her...I mumble to her to move over abit which she promptly did so and she fell asleep again. The next morning, while nuaring on the bed ( because we waked too early due to the 1) I can't sleep well, and 2) I look at the wrong hp time to wake up) , we talked and I ask her why her position so weird wan..then she said something like this " oh...hmm...cause I abit I wanna make sure you are around and as I was too tired, I used my butt to "keep in contact' with you"
That explains why her butt was protruding out and keep moving closer and touching me!! I laughed until buay tahan because it was so cute! So Rooster as I was saying....chicken backside!!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Back to work....
Trip to vietnam was ok..not terrible , but not fanastic either..Think we allocated abit too much time there thouggh we had some new experience like eating their local chao kway tiao from the street side stall n their ice cream... very interesting. SQ flights are entertaining as usual..enjoyable food.
Then I like feel werid ...think routine disruption...hmm...or PMS.... hmm...
Friday, December 01, 2006
Finally ...time to blog...
Still, I have to prepare myself for the interview by reading up vietnam stock exhange information..but hmm.... I think the hard questions are not techical but rather on my views of my role...which is still abit blur to me...well, let me improvise when the time comes.
Initally when I try to find information about touring Ho Chi Minh, I wasn't impressed and was worried that I have planned for too many days, but now, I'm not optimistic about the trip...Think it is going to be an adventure... not those comfort type of holiday but to open eyes and get abit rugged...alot of river rides in marshland for the day trip. These is something we never done together cause in our trip to japan, although free n easy, it was in an advanced country. I'm quite sure Dango is up for it.. cause she been thru worse places...but Im not sure about myself. At least I'm prepared for it mentally la.... To whet some appetite, I can't wait to eat vietnamese food...the pho, sticky rice cakes, seafood, Elephant Ear fish ( dunno wat is it but they say its a specialty), spring rolls etc..yum yum....
Everything seem unbelievable still...perhaps because it was kinda rush... my bags are packed and I concentrate on keeping them light but yet a remark by mum" ....u going for 6 days rite? Its not tat short leh..." made me think whether did i underpacked...hmmm.... I better cross check with Dango tonite...
Well, hope to get some pictures...(oh yah, this remind me of the camera)...and to post them up once we are back!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Oohhh.....picture forgotten...

Suddenly got prompted to go through my pics in my pc for the KL pics we took last christmas and saw this pic.....NICE!! Look at those eyelashes! Didnt know u used so much mascara then..keke.... Wonderful picture for promoting Ice Sprite hor... hahahahah ... Gonna get whacked for this ....but as you already know, I have this on my forehead : " BEAT ME......if you can..."
Friday, November 24, 2006
Tired but still worth the trouble......
Feel like things finally take a turn for the better now....Maybe cause I have finally settled on a stategry that I'm happy with and everything seems to be humming along just fine...Maybe this feeling of contentment is only temporary but at least I feel good now... as well I'm positive about things that is happening or going to happen...for both of us =)
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Day Dreaming ...
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
An unexpected answer...
Me : Are we watching a dvd movie tonite?
Dango : Nope....
Me: Hmm...then we watch this variety show la...
Dango : Yup....
Me: Then after this show, we watched the Super Model tape rite...?
Dango : Yup....
Me : Err....(thinking still got time to kill) then after that we do what ??
Dango : ( looks thoughtful) Hmm... then we make out make out abit la! ( in a matter of fact tone)
I burst out laughing non-stop because I never thought you could say such things...
And I missed my bi weekly brow plucking sessions at Dango's place.. Hmph... =(
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Another day on leave
Ran in the morning as usual and proceed to do my things.. gd news is that my US paper account is ready and I spent some time keying in my overnight test trades. Tml I shall see how good is the system..
Kinda bored now...hmm...maybe I should watch a dvd or maybe I should nap awhile...
Actually what I think I want to say is that I appreciate that you have been patient with me when I'm have weird mood swings. Don't take it too seriously as I will be fine after awhile when I sort out whats troubling me..
I know you always like me to stay with you but I only realised how much when I saw this smile ( ^ ______________________^) everytime you wake and see me.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Nong Nong weekend!
Then from coming Friday , another nong nong weekend again as I'm on leave (yup again!) and Dango got "leave" approved to stay my place again on friday night , then sat and sun I again be a "overstayer" at Dango's palce cause I will be on leave again ! Ha..then I can be dango's chauffaur again next monday. Then *repeat* this sequence a few more times till dec....yay yay!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
You Are 16% Girly |
Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world. And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment. |
Monday, October 16, 2006
This reminds me of....
Monday, October 02, 2006
What A Predicament...
Much have happened and everything seem so sudden.... and now I know how it feels to be so caught in between.
In some way, it is indeed an opportunity to be able to relocate overseas to work for awhile... but yet I can't imagine leaving you behind. Maybe it's because we are always together over the weekends. It is not just missing you but it's the spending of time together that is irreplaceable; a simple hug; a simple touch; a simple glance. Maybe I tear cause I know if I go, I can't take all these with me.
It will be ideal if we can at least spend sometime together in our own world in a foreign place. Living a life together. It's not impossible. What's 2 -3 years in a span of the rest of our lives. It's an adventure I would think. A friend say things can work out if both compromise, maybe travel abit more but no matter what, a commitment is needed from both party in order to keep the relationship.
But now, we shall see how things pan itself out... Where there is a will, there is a way.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Friday Friday!
I remember the times when I met dango weekday at bishan Junction 8, after her school. Each time she sees me, she will have an expressionless face and just motion me over. If I'm not wrong, I think we were kinda together then already.. but still, its her usual behaviour. And what made me smile is when I compared then and now. Last Sunday, you might not think I noticed but I was surprised when I recieved not 1 , but 2 pecks on the cheeks in the car. With 1 peck even when we were outside your place! Why such surprise? Cause I still remember the " No kisses other than in the room, not even in the car" rule. So what other people take for granted is actually quite precious to me. All these made me remember it wasn't easy at all for me to get thru to you... and I'm glad I did persist.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Tips for running.....
1) Keep to the middle of the path.
Reason : you have time to react the moment you see a mouse trying to scurry into the walk path.
Hmm.. this weekend was well spent cause we manage to tick off some items on the "To-do" list.
And I think the economy is doing well, everywhere was flooded with shoppers and more shoppers... hmm..we better start to think of some activities in less crowded places.
Darn it...seng siong will be sure crowded.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Hmm....weird day ahead
Monday, September 11, 2006
The Devil wear Prada
Had quite a weekend though it was not hectic but least the right side of my body is. +p
Envy dango 19inch wide screen LCD I won't have 2nd thoughts on using her computer now..kekeke...
Hmm...I think I might be able to have an early night finally today. Thoughout the weekend I was occupied with my discovery and felt that I might have been overzealous and it will disappoint me afterall. Even up to last night I wasn't sure about it. Until this morning at work.... did some more testing and analysing and had more confident about it. I will stick with it for the moment and this should mean that I'll be able to stop exploring further at night and can sleep earlier. Felt that I have gained some weight due to all the snackings at night trying to keep awake. Lucky I can see some light at the end of the tunnel now....
Friday, September 08, 2006
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse...Indeed Powerful
Everything happen for a reason. You might not see the reason and can't see any reason but there it is. It will appear when the time has come.
The power of the cosmic is breathtaking....
Long time I haven't feel such adrenaline rush....the kind of rush that can make me run a 10km, go without food and sleep.... well, I'm enjoying it now..while it last or while it gets better.
I really hope it's not a mirage ...*fingers and toes crossed*
Thursday, September 07, 2006
It's been a year....
I can still vaguely remember how I felt that day... kinda trying to be chirpy.
Just like today, trying to shake off the blues....
Still abit unbelieveable how things have moved on.... I'm glad. I'm grateful too.
Thinking about last Sunday morning.... how cute you looked sitting on me.
Looking down on me, with those kinda flushed bubbly cheeks, rosy pouting lips and those puppy eyes...
A look that can melt even the strongest will...
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Happy for you!
Monday, August 21, 2006
A basket of fruits
Interestingly, I just thought about something we discussed previously....about "gender preference".
Hmm....I guess I can put it this way better : people are like fruits. There are some fruits you love, like, neutral or dislike. Men to me are maybe are like bananas to me. I don't fancy them but I can eat them without much emotions. I don't think about them, I don't consider buying them even when I'm hungry. But I don't mind them as in banana crumble dessert. On the other hand, you like bananas. Bananas can make you go "Yum Yum". You will consider them when you hungry. Bananas are unlike watermelons, lychee, chinese pear, orange which will make my eyes brighten abit and papaya is a necessary evil. Banana is even worse than papaya cause it can't even make me want it out of necessity. But the one that will make me drool is Pineapple. I will go yum yum over it. There are times that I will FEEL like having it e.g when I'm having indigestion. And once in a while when I see Sarawak Pineapple, I will go "Wah...." cause they are so sweeeeeeeeeeet.
So there you go, that's my analogy...humans are just like a basket of fruits. Well, it's better than being a bunch of nuts.... =P
Friday, August 18, 2006
The Gold at the end of the rainbow...
The cons are also the pros... events can happen so quicky to wreck your emotions...but it also train you to be in control. In order to make a lot of money, you have to be totally detached to money also. The potential to make your own money without any clients, rental fees or inventory. All you need is a trading platform in any part of the world with internet access.
Total Freedom. Total independence. Priceless.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
On the way to work....
Hmm.....Was just wondering that it seems that no matter whatever squabbles or disagreements we had, I still adore you.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I can't say it any better....
At least, while there is such turmoil and angst, you can watch and learn. You will take your time, but you are gathering knowledge and information. You would like to think you are just carrying on like everyone else, but you miss nothing. And you know it's all about timing. What you really want comes when you don't try too hard..
Friday, August 11, 2006
Woke up in the morning to see that the software DID finished uploading till 31th July! Should have left it alone when I woke at 1am..Hmm...anyway, glad I got the back up till 31th July and I can go back today and finished up the rest and see whether everything is ok or not. Still, I missed today opportunities..if any.. I will know tonight.
Strangely, I felt rested and well today...except for my arm as usual. *creak*
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
"Everything happens for a reason"
Enough of the philo stuff..Tonight I'm going to watch fireworks ...again. Yep, caught it last Saturday and it was indeed fascinating cause we got to see alot of new patterns of fireworks we never saw before. Impressive! Hope we see something new tonight as well.
Oh I suddenly remember something that I wanted to write but forgotten: It's the time at our Osaka hotel. You were complaining what's with the Japanese and opaque bathroom doors.
I know you are going to *box* me for this but I know why.... cause the one outside the bathroom will have a good time appreciating the "view", just like I did .... +P~~~
See, point proven : everything happens for a reason.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Does being kind or soft-hearted equate to a doormat? A pushover?
Always 3 sides to a story, situation or a view. Yours, mine and everybody elses'....
Maybe I have forgotten how to be happy and it's too early for PMSing.... seriously think I need to get my hand on a Edward De Bono's book soon.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Rambling after work...
AND then Dango grabbed someone which she mistook was me ( cause she was so capivated by some food) and it was a guy. I saw her grabbing and it was so funny when she realised it wasn't me...kekeke
Shitty..there was something else I wanted to mentioned but was interrupted by my I can't remember .
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
So many things to do.....
Saturday : to make the "special" snacks for Dango ;watch fireworks, swim...
Sunday : buy durian...
Still to come.....
Going to BBQ those crabs one of these days ...
The King and Clown DVD...
The Femme thingy DVD...
Oh my..I still haven't even watch my BrokeBack.....if it's video tape still, I think it would have turned mouldy.....
Springing incidents ....
So cute last saturday that Dango spring awake ( which is hardly possible) right after I woke so that she could show me her album...keke..nice nice...
Sunday morning so funny to find her springing to the toliet because she found me missing from her bed... Wasn't expecting her to wake so suddenly after being comatised and she looked kinda blurred and tramatised when she found me ...hee hee...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Something in common...
Think I have been neglecting you cause my mind is elsewhere..
But I do think of you very often ..especially how you make me smile and laugh.
You think you are not sweet…but I think you are affectionate in your own way…
Your down-to-earthness , is endearing as well as frustrating sometimes because you tend to bombard me with your skeptical mind so much that I ran out of things to say.
Sorry if I sound harsh at times…it’s not that I’m angry at you, it’s just my way of getting things understood or off my chest.
Above all things, I still find you very endearing and lovable…
And I’m glad we have something in common :
We enjoy being in each other company very much. =) -m***-
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Sentosa and Shopping...
But the moment we reach Sentosa, it rained! Unbelievable! End up picnicing in the car for awhile ( luckily) before we head out for the beach. But the Sun played hide and seek with us for the rest of the day but at least it didn't rain anymore. It's been some time since I swim in the sea..not too bad though. Had fun watching a black poodle playing at the beach cute.
Waited till the sky darken and we set off those fireworks on the small island. fun fun...its just whizzzzzzzz up into the sky and pop! NIce if there are more sparks when it POP! haha...Dango was so scare to even go near it...hahaa... so adorable.
Woke up on Sunday and after seeing Dango still sound asleep..reminds me of those mornings in Japan...It was so taken for granted then to wake up beside you. It's always nice to wake up beside you ....and not hurrying off somewhere.
Sunday was another day of shopping ...although its for our usual snacks and Dango's cordless phone. Not too bad a deal after visiting so many shops...keke..
Quote for this week for me :
The definition of luck is the moment preparation meets opportunity..let us see how the week unfolds....
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Recruit tempting me.....
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Crash and as to rise from the ashes, better than before.
Friday, July 14, 2006
An additional 2 weeks trip in Japan....
Seriously Panda....
Thursday, July 13, 2006
My version of the japan trip it's been almost 1 week since we are back..but seem like longer. Kinda miss those carefree.

We reached Tokyo on early Sunday and quickly proceed to visit Shibuya. What I like about their traffic is that "Pedestrains are the greatest" where all vehicles stops and humans can anyhow cross at a junction. See right photo.
But we were bored but they have the best ramen we have eaten for the while trip cause its very salty!
We visited the Sunshine Plaza the next day on my sister recommendation.

Shopping was done mostly at and make in Japan! Lucky dango got a bermuda there or else she really got nothing much to wear. And yah, i got a perfume cheap cheap on the way back to hotel via a shopping street.
Like the Ikebukuro guest house although 1st impression wasn't good. Like its green tea machine, their breakfast but too bad it's communal toliet. I think I slpt best there and in osaka..more of that later.
Hmm..I think I should stop the narration since it's a repetition and just pick photos & comments ...

Big cedar trees...what best was the video clip Dango took inside the forest.
So cute of her not to point out my mistake. keke . Nice view at Hakone and windy..had a romantic walk down a secluded road recommended by the host, blowing dandelion ..
Don't like the host though , don't like that place cause I have to ask for hot water. *bleah*
My 1st traditional o-k-o-n-o-m-i-y-a-k .....hard to pronounce England no good mah... Yum yum...
Visited Universal Studio on the 2nd day we were at Osaka....
and more universal studio pic...
The jurassic park ride was one of the best cause we were so scared to get wet, so we were praying that we don't get the front seats. Were we glad when we were seated in the middle. Too bad we didn't go bad for 2nd ride. Also regreted not getting my baby niece the Elmo popcorn bucket. =(
Osaka Castle...*yawn* Educational though....we felt like a couple of retirees making our way there and snacking in the park like Dango said ' you zhai xian zhai"...
Osaka acomm is best to me in terms of cost, toliets and services. Got fridge and free bottled water everyday. Nice western beds finally! After Osaka we went Kitkasuura for hotspring ,it was quite a journey there cause of long train journey. At night we had free tuna head for dinner ( see right pic taken by my hor, even if its so dark at night) and went for hotspring finally! Was hot lucky got outdoor bath and we were the only ones there. A bit paiseh when we knew we should get naked cause everyone else there were, but we still stick to our swim suit in the end.= P
The next day we had a sumptous breakfast and head back to tokyo. My luggage was exceptional heavy even though I didn't buy anything. Hmmm... think I brought "something" to tokyo... reach Ueno hotel at 9pm and slept early that night cause we were damn tired . Next day we just walked around asakusa and Ameyoko market.
On the 3rd last day, we initally just planned to go Disneyland but we were hit by the rains and decide to get 2 day passport instead of 1 day only. A wise move indeed cause DisneySea was better than Disneyland but we thought otherwise initally. Lucky us!

DisneySea Oceano Pic... ' All aboard! Aye aye captain...." Yeah, like real...more like , " sunny! " Dango kept sweating but I feel it was a cooling day...It rained in the morning afterall. The ship actually contains 2 restuarants but we didn't bother to go in...what to do, lazy bums..look at those stairs leading to the ship!
Too bad we missed the "Tower of Terror" which is opening in Sept!! Arrghh....

The next day it's time to go HOME ! *Sniff Sniff*
Actually I got so much more pics...I guess I will upload them later when I'm free...
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Learn a new word.....
I feel that you got the job because of your guilelessness. Strange as that could be but not that strange if it's a male interviewer. That how you got me also. =P
Monday, July 10, 2006
Pooped...but....still I want to write before I forget again..
Kind of for once..I come back from a trip rejunervated even though it was a long and physically demanding trip. =)))
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Thought on Life paths....
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
- Marcel Proust
Friday, July 07, 2006
Time flies again....
So much things to start doing.... unpack, work, mails, blogs.....
Always had fallen sick during different this time, but what was different is that I actually recovered during the trip! Dunno is it there was time to recover or was it that I really got well myself....ha...
Anyway, loads of things to upload onto our blogs which I don't know even where to start.... but let us clear our things and take time to upload k.... Just imagine...13 days...and 250+ photos! I wonder how long it will take us to update...hmm...
So many things to say...overall it's been unforeseeable unpleasantness or screw up although it was tiring at some points beause of our humongous luggages! I think my right bicep is bigger than left , no kidding.
To be cont.... cause if I don't sleep any sooner...small pandas will be circling above me as if I'm the mother ship....
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Bon Voyage!
Well, Sayonara for now...Will be back 2 weeks later to update my blog with pictures and stories! =))
Friday, June 23, 2006
Hope I won't be that sway....
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Clear the mind ....time to relax!
I will come back afresh to take back 10 times of what the market have taken from me.
Balloon head
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Japan here I come!
Fascinating! I guess I was worrying about the shopping and food and not being able to buy much after hearing much scary stories but now I think it's going to be a wonderful fun trip afterall!
We are going to takes loads of pictures and paste and paste in our blogs together with commentary. NICEEEEE! =P
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Food for thoughts..
Very sound advice that I should take in trading as well in life.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
The smell of hotel breakfast...
Anyway, today as usual didn't wear my watch and I just hurry hurry to work and end up the 1st at the office. Taking into account I'm usually 5mins late, I'm 5mins early today. =) But the strangest thing is that the moment I step out of the lift at my level, I seem to smell those hotel breakfast smell where one experience during a vacation. Those wonderful coffee plus bacon plus eggs smell..... Made me feel like I'm on holiday. Hmm.. I don't think I will experience much of that in Japan because our accomodations mostly don't provide breakfast. But I don't mind cause we can go eat snacks like.......DANGO! Haha..great, I think my body is adjusting to holiday mood liao!
Visiting my "one-eyed monster" today, going to do a lot of *pat pat pat* and *sayang sayang* . Hope I don't get clumsy again cause your " play gently with me " reminder literally melts me. =}
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Poor Dango
Hmm... wish things didn't end the way it did last night. Miss those "haa...."
Gongmei Nasai...hope I got that right...
Monday, June 12, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
Didn't go to Femme Fest last night. Didn't feel like going. Didn't feel like I missed anything either. Perhaps I have forgotten the feeling of being to such events. Or perhaps I'm old. Was happy just watching TV toegther and to sleep. But I felt detached. I guess the cons to trading is really the tensed feeling when you have an open position. Hate the feeling of fear. Fear of losses. Fear of losing the profits. That shouldn't be the case, I need to refocus my thoughts. I need to learn to relax. The skill of loosening up really need to practised. Shitty and I'm not even having my PMS now. Arrgh, I really hope I don't feel the PMS nearing my trip.
Talking about the trip reminds me of a conversation I had with a colleague. Was lamenting how much this trip costs me and realised that it's been almost 2 yrs since I went on a "worthwhile" vacation. FYI, less than 4 days is not considered a vacation, just a break. Business trip to London also no count cause its more dread than anticipation. Back to the conversation, she was saying it's ok for the trip to be slightly costly since it's been 2 years. Quite true...which means for the next year, it would be to nearby places like Koh Samui and Tioman or not at all. I'm sure dango won't mind sentosa...she needs some time to sew up the hole this Japan trip made in her bank account also. =P
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Not too bad a day....
Anyway, looking forward to spend 4 days 3 nights with my dango later on.. +)
Miss our usual midweek rendevous at your place. Keke....
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Car loyality
Think I better get my slip-on soon or else can't really tong over during weeknight.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
A quiet day....
I'm at a stage that I should say I should be happy. Good job; finally getting somewhere in my trading after spending so much time and effort; and of course that someone.
But what I want to write about is how life revolve around human nature. A lot of things exist in this world and keep repeating itself is because of humans. And how human nature don't change. Life itself is unpredictable but within a small time frame or subject, there is order within chaos. What I discovered in trading the market show this over and over again. How people thought they have it all when they made $30k and lost $50k during the downturn. Well, what does it says? As long as you stay in the game, don't count your eggs before they are hatched. As long you are breathing, life is not done with you. Always be vigilant. Like a cat.
Hmm..I'm getting abit weee too philosophical here. A lot of people would be dying to have the golden goose I hold - liken to the possibilty of striking 4Ds on a consistent basis. Wonderful isn't it? Sadly, uncontentment is part of human nature. One have to mindfully remember to be contented and be happy. So should I. Having dreams make one restless. But what's life without dreams?
Hmm....tonight I'm going to do the never done before - tonging overnight at dango's place during a weeknight! Keke...but hor, this means I'm going to miss my running tml =/ But it makes egonomical sense to do the meeting and tonging today ,so I guess I will run on thurs and friday consecutively to make up. I feel fat already missing a day of run. *bleah* Thought of running back to home in the morning but then I don't want to slump dead at my desk during the day or during the run. Morbid? This remind me of a conversation over the weekend :
I asked," What if I died before you?"
She said ," I will keep scolding you!"
*Eyes big big* " That's what my grandmother did when my grandfather passed away and she is a rooster too!"
Monday, June 05, 2006
"Great Love and Great Achievement involves Great Risk"
I think I know more about sensuality's more than's more than external... it's about the calm aura that is so endearing.
Update: on reflection..I wonder is it calm or.... a heck care perception? Maybe it's a good thing not to care so much? Hmm...this could remind me what attracted me in the beginning...Lighten everything up abit.
Finally a breather....
I was telling Dango that the next time I do this reconcillation again , we would have come back from Japan...Don't know to feel happy or sad ....hmm...I think I really shouldn't think too far ahead...should just imagine how fun the 2 weeks going to be!
Looking forward to next weekend where dango will finally finish her papers and we can finally enjoy ourselves shopping, eating and watching movie and simply nuaring without a care!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Sore Arm
Finally a proper posting
Hmm, last weekend indeed passed very fast...I should think it's because we did many things rather than just nuaring at home... But it was enjoyable to me...chilli crabs, ice creams, meet up with friends and playing games =) ...
Time really flying...which is good sometimes. Don't know why I kinda scare the japan trip come too's like the anticipation is better than the trip. Scare that the 2 weeks is too long and I'll be dying to go home....hmmm...hope not. Hmm, I guess it's all about expectation management. Don't expect too much nor too little.....just hope everything will be pleasant. Hope my nose won't work up so that I don't need to eat the dreaded pill which will cause my dango much distress when I start "sewing" my brows together and being hypersensitive... much appreciation for bearing with me.
Hmm...I seem to write different when posting in fridae...hmm...or is it just my mood today?
Saturday, May 27, 2006
A day in a cat's life......

Oohh...Ohh...finally...that's the spot! Ahhhh.....